Sunday, August 06, 2006

53 hours (!)

Well, time is flying by. I leave the country at 10pm on Tuesday, August 8th. Holy cow!

This is "Team Burkina" - the 3 women I will be spending the next 1-2 years with. Leah, myself, Dana & Suzanne (and Leah & Dana's husbands) will be on this adventure together. I couldn't ask for a better group. I've really enjoyed getting to know them - and those folks going to all the other countries - while here in Houston.

I've spent a lovely weekend with Rob, went to Galveston & swam in the ocean since it will be a long time before I can do that again. We ate lots of seafood, and even some Texas BBQ.

This week was an adventure, as I scrambled to get things done... open a bank account, buy last minute supplies, get my wisdom teeth pulled...! That was defintely not part of the plan for the week.

I received a lovely going away gift from Brigid (one of my Public Health school friends) today - a knitted iPod holder and a craft kit. Brigid was teaching me to knit at the end of school, and I've been wanting to have a craft to work on over this year.

My next post will likely be from Burkina, and I'm not sure when I'll next be able to write but please keep in touch!

1 comment:

Beachcomber said...

I know you're probably in a plane somewhere right about now. It's great to "meet" your colleagues for the next 1 ( or two?!?) years. I'm absolutely convinced you're all in for an awesome adventure.

Looking forward to your posts!