Tuesday, August 15, 2006

everyone has arrived safely

Well, we're all here now - even Kitty (the cat that Leah & Dustin brought) made it without delays or problems. Tomorrow we have another Ministry of Health meeting, and then Thursday head back to Bobo to finalize housing, etc.

Dana & I explored downtown Ouaga today, which was interesting. Its dusty, busy & hot. There are quite a few stalls with tourist crafts, although the market from yesterday had higher quality items. I had wanted to get some kitchen stuff, but while I saw where they were sold, it was getting dark, I was hot & wanted to go home, so we put it off for another day. Some people are really friendly though I find some of the endless sales pitches tiresome. Its funny, because while 95% of the shopkeepers just motion towards their shops and smile if you don't go in, there are these touts that will follow you around for blocks. Dana, who spent 9 months in Cameroon, said that compared to Yaounde, these guys are laid back and respectful. She's a master at bargaining though - I definitely need to learn from her, as I have no skills in that area. (I think that the shopkeepers can tell I'm halfhearted about it). I think I just need a little more time to acclimatize.
Outside of the touts, most people are really nice though... our cab driver told us all about is wife & 3 kids, etc.

I'm glad we're going to be living in Bobo, even though there are much fewer big city amenities there. Its much more laid back atmosphere will be much easier than the hustle & bustle of Ouaga.

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