Saturday, May 19, 2007


One of the things I love about the pace of life here is the siesta - something that is rigidly adhered to. I am a much more productive person in the afternoon post-siesta and actually end up working more hours, more effectively... otherwise my eyes droop and I spend half the afternoon fighting sleep. Now, my work schedule of the last few weeks has played havoc with my siestas (I've been working through to 14:30 then starting again at 15:00), but in general I'm DEFINITELY a fan.

Because of the heat, people get up early here - the normal work day starts at 7-7:30. All "fonctionnaires" - that is, salaried people - have a lunch break from 12:00-15:00 or so. During those hours one cannot do anything... banking, groceries, post office, phone company - everything is closed (except the onmipresent handicraft sellers). Even the fruit, basket and whatever-you-can-imagine vendors on the sides of the roads are usually flaked out, under a tree or in the shade of their wares if possible.

It's the height of rudeness to call someone during those hours unless its a true emergency.
Everyone heads home for lunch - normally the biggest meal of the day - and then rests for 1-2 hours. Work starts up again after the heat decreases a little and usually goes to about 18:00.

How civilized!

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