Saturday, May 26, 2007

Dust storm! (again)

As I sit here typing, I suddenly noticed it growing dark. Strange, as it's noon.

I looked outside and was reminded of one of my first days here in Burkina Faso when I sat in the Sofitel and watched a dust storm come over the horizon.

Sure enought, moments later, the wind is howling, the banana trees flailing, windows banging, dust filling the air and covering everything in the house (my poor computer!). Half an hour later, the wind settles as quickly as it started.

The unsettled weather is part of the imminent start to the rainy season... its been really hot these last few days with occaisional wind storms - though nothing like this afternoon's occurance. Thunder rolls in the distance, and I hope for rain to settle the dust (at least outside) and cool things off.

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