Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Source of the Nile & Chimp Sanctuary

I took a rare few days of tourism over the last few days, which has been lovely.

A group of us went to Ginja, where the Nile starts its long journey from Lake Victoria. The drive up was green and beautiful, and it was neat to see a window on Ugandan life passing villages from the highway. I was surprised to find out there's a full-on mall here - they can't be escaped!

This is "the" source of the Nile - what used to be a spring in the lower right hand corner was overtaken by the lake after a dam was built, but you can see the clear water welling up from the edge.

We got to see lots of various birds - kingfishers, egrets, cranes, weaverbirds. And even a troupe of monkeys.
In the mouth of the Nile there were lots of men in fishing boats like the one shown here...

We also took a walk in a protected forest and stopped at some rapids, where we had coffee in a lovely riverside lodge. By the way, the coffee here has been generally excellent. Strong, dark roast - yum!

A few days later, a different group took a 45 minute boat trip to Ngamba Island, which has a big chimpanzee santcuary - a group of 45 chimps that have been confiscated from smugglers or orphans found with their parents poached live on the island. On one small tip of the island, their caregivers live, and funds are raised for the food, vet care, etc by having tourists come see them.

We learned about the chimps, and then saw a chimp feeding, where they come to get their thrice daily fruit. It was just great watching them catch the thrown fruit, squabbling over it, and chowing down. The caregivers know them all (and their personalities) well. Next time I'm in Uganda I'll try to go back - you can stay overnight there and go for a walk in the chimp enclosure in morning.

Its been a lovely break here, and early tomorrow morning I'll be heading back to Cape Town. I'm looking forward to getting back into a routine again.

Until next time!

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