Monday, April 02, 2007

Raining mangos

Its a long weekend here - one of the lunar Muslim holidays that everyone thought would be Friday, but on Thursday it was declared that the holiday would be Monday throwing scheduling into chaos. So, i've had a nice quiet weekend, doing stuff around the house, knitting, reading, writing letters, etc.

The weather is odd today - its down right cool (the BBC website says 30C). OK, maybe not - but I can sit outside at 9am without sweating! The sky is cloudy and the wind is blowing clouds of dust around. And in my garden its raining mangos - many of the early mangos that are getting ripe are getting blown out of the tree. (All of the ones in easy picking height are still hard as rocks).

One of my colleagues, Suzanne has just headed back to the US for her holiday; perfect time to get away from the heat. And Dana is coming back after 2 months of working in the other COEs. I am looking forward to hearing about her experiences in the COEs that are up and running. And our other very exciting news is that our administrator is starting Tuesday; he seems like he will be great. And act as an important liaison between BIPAI and the Ministry of Health, helping negociate the cultural landmines that we keep finding.

Little by little the bird builds its nest!

1 comment:

Beachcomber said...

Congratulations on getting that administrator. I know you all fought hard for the position.