Monday, September 04, 2006

Moving day (?)

Well, I think today is moving day, as long as the hot water heater is replaced, the blown fuse repaired and the broken light fixtures replaced. Guingane, who is the "fixer," went through everything with me this morning and when we left the house the plumbers were there installing the new water heater. Now I have to face the task of squashing everything back into my suitcases again. ugh. But I am really looking forward to unpacking and having a place for everything.

This photo is one I tried to post earlier when the blog wasn't working well. It is the 6 of us in our shared temporary house, at our first meal together. We've been taking turns cooking dinner most days. I am the first one to move out of the shared house. Tomorrow, I think work will begin on my room to install air conditioners for Suzanne who will be staying there.

I have found a new internet cafe, that has a faster connection - and wireless yet! - and so uploading photos may become more doable.... now i just have to take some photos! Anyhow, I'll let you know if I'm actually able to move.

1 comment:

Beachcomber said...

I have my fingers crossed for a quick and painless move for you!