Thursday, June 28, 2007

Traveling part 2: Tiebele

The second part of the weekend trip was to a town called Tiebele, which has really uniquely decorated houses. The shapes of the houses are similar to those in other parts of the country, but the decorations are unique to Tiebele. We stayed in a local-style mud brick auberge, and had a lovely, and cool, night sleeping on the roof.
This first photo is taken in the royal compound, of the king of the Gouramance people. I loved the juxtaposition of modern laundry and traditional construction. The small building in the center is a granary.

This next pic is a village compound nearby... the cows live in the center of the courtyard every night, the people sleep on the roofs in the hot season, and chickens wander all around. You can see the millet fields in the background.

People cook with little outdoor stoves, made from recycled tin - often oil barrels that have been rewelded to make stoves. They use charcoal or wood... there are few trees in the non-protected areas of Burkina.

It was a fascinating weekend for both of us... though i think that the highlight for Claire was finding a stall in the Po market that had about 100 Canadian baseball caps from places like Thunder Bay, Calgary, Aylmer... from goodwill in Canada to a cargo ship landing in Lome, Togo and then by road to Po, Burkina Faso! And one will make the return journey back to Canada...

Take care & have a good week.

1 comment:

yvrsailor said...

So Jealous ! Looks like an incredible place

Say "Hi" to Claire for me!
