Saturday, March 17, 2007

Exploring Southwestern Burkina Faso

Well, I’m writing this entry after my dad’s departure – it was great to have him here. Some of the highlights of our trip:

International Women’s Day Celebrations – the First Lady of Burkina Faso was in Bobo to celebrate International Women’s Day – a huge event here. The Boulevard de la Revolution was blocked off and every women’s group imaginable marched, dressed in matching outfits. There were the Handicapped Women’s group (in their wheelchairs), Women’s groups from various towns & provinces, the Widows & Orphans group, a few HIV women’s groups, the female high school students, church and Islamic groups, the market women’s group, etc etc etc. My dad was particularly struck by the pride with which even the Street Cleaners group marched. They all shone – it’s the one day of the year where the incredibly hard work of them women gets recognized, in a society where when have few rights but much of the responsibilities of looking after the families needs.

Banfora – a town 85km from Bobo, in a relatively green valley with a set of waterfalls, and rock formations. There is irrigation in this valley so it was remarkable to see vast green sugar cane fields when the rest of the country is so dusty. There is a hippo pool, where we sat in a very leaky pirogue and watched hippos frolic (seriously!)

The sites of Bobo Dioulasso including the grande mosquee - a huge mud mosque - the old town, with its sacred catfish pond (more accurately at this time of year, puddle of green slime), nearby villages and the market.

The best restaurants of Ouadougou – I’ve realized with this visit that Ouaga actually has a number of very good restaurants. Often when I’m there, as a single person I just stay in the hotel for dinner (not too safe to go walking around at night). But with my dad, we arranged taxi service and took advantage of some of the farther away restaurants – many of which were just great. Gondwana was a highlight, with its Mauritanian “case” (traditional home) design, and lovely artwork everywhere. The lasagna at Verdoyant is still a favorite though.

Everyone was excited to meet Dad – the patriarch of a family is a position of really great honour. So, from hotel staff to my guards, everyone was THRILLED to have dad here. We were even presented with a chicken, by my gardener - the photo is my dad and our chicken in my storage room. (The guard did the dispatching). Since Dad's departure, everyone has been asking if he’s made it home safely (and he has).

All in all its been a great visit. Thanks so much, Dad!!!

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