Sunday, July 23, 2006

vaccine day

Well, we've finished our first week of orientation, and have been left with a fairly long "to do" list of things to finish before heading off to Africa. I got my shots done with today, so the arms are a bit sore (needed meningococcus, polio, typhoid & tetanus / whooping cough / diptheria). And I signed myself up for a year's supply of mefloquine - hopefully I tolerate it as well this time as I did in Uganda.

Also did a bit of shopping for last minute things, like permetherin spray for my bednet and a yoga DVD! and I also found some 'Allo 'Allo DVDs... its the craziest British comedy.

I alternate between being really excited & apprehensive. We'll be working in the hospital HIV clinic initially - we think - and eventually find a place for our temporary clinic. Its exciting to be starting something up from scratch, but also scary.

I'm really enjoying getting to know my colleagues, headed across Africa next month. Its a neat group of people that decides to pack up their lives for a year! Anyhow, speaking of such, I'm meeting my Burkina team for dinner. Take care!

1 comment:

Beachcomber said...

That's a lot of pokes. And I feel bad when Carys gets her vaccinations. Heh. When she got her 4 month shots, P and I both went ahead and did our Tetanus. The PH nurse remarked that adults are usually the worst at keeping up with vaccinations.