Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Our first 4 patients!!!!!!!

This was a huge day for us: after 6 months of work we finally started seeing our own patients. We had 4 new patients today; 3 HIV infected and one HIV exposed. As any first day of something new goes, it was hectic and disorganized. But, we started finally. The Burkina Faso Pediatric AIDS Corps doctors have worked incredibly hard at building the relationships we need to get permission to do this. We have found sources for medicines, consumable medical equipment and the supplies. We've figured out how to estimate as best we can lab and drug needs and are trying to make sure those needs are met. We have developed a health record system (that has some glitches to work out) based on the forms used in the other Baylor countries. We have built liaisons with peripheral clinics and groups of Persons Living with HIV & AIDS.

One of the biggest challenges is knowing the theory of what to do (first needs assessment, then collaborative planning, then find the resources needed, then start & reevaluate)... but having never done it before its hard to know if we are doing in right. Its very trial and error. But we are trying our best, even if it isn't always quite right.

I want so much to provide the best possible care for these kids, given the limited resources, and the systemic challenges. I hope we can do it but at times I despair. We still have an enormous task in front of us, and many more long, long days. We will keep working at it anyhow.


Beachcomber said...

Yay! Your team is seeing patients! This is a tremendous step forward for all of you. Frustrating as this adventure has been, it's great to see some progress that you can literally put your hands on.

yvrsailor said...

Congrats !

Thats a huge first step! Give yourselves a "pat on the back".

Rob said...

Excellent! You are starting to make some progress.